Merel Heering

Dance dramaturgy, facilitation & alignment coaching

Merel Heering

Dance dramaturgy, facilitation & alignment coaching

Feeling deeply as an act of resistance.

To me, feeling deeply is a specific form of concentration, a way of listening with the entire body. It helps me to pick up on what is in the room, particularly the things that are not being said or addressed out loud.

I use these feelings and bodily sensations as information. I take time to let them inform me about what is going on in a situation, a moment, a working process. I consider doing so an act of resistance in the average working cultures of today, in which feelings are often unwelcome and being pushed aside.

Instead of censoring myself into not feeling or feeling less, I decided to start practicing feeling my feelings in their most profound and diverse forms, wherever I went. This has become characteristic for the way I walk through life, as well as my way of practicing dramaturgy, facilitation and alignment coaching.


In my work, I find it important to create the conditions for listening to feelings and bodily sensations and give language to them, in relation to what is at stake in a meeting, rehearsal or encounter.

Our capacity to feel and sense affects our capacity for compassion and imagination. It influences our creativity and our ability to generate sustainable change. I therefore believe that feeling deeply helps us align our vision with our actions, not only on a policy or organizational level, but also on the level of our interpersonal behaviour.

Illustrations: Marie Gourdain

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